Season's Greetings From moe, moe (Fatboy)

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moe.jpgLiner notes indicate moe's bass player is a Christmas-aholic, so much so that he conned the boys into whipping out this Christmas album in September 2002. They mostly revisit classics but they manage two originals, "Together At Christmas," a mid-tempo rocker that is radio-ready whether anybody actually plays it or not, and "Home," a nice piano ballad. They do a countrified "Blue Christmas," rock out "We're a Couple of Misfits" from the iconic "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" TV show, medley "Silent Night" into "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desire" with an arrangement that builds to a nice solid climax, and attempt, successfully, the only rock-band arrangement of "Linus and Lucy" from the original "A Charlie Brown Christmas" that I'm aware of. A nicely rockabillied "Jingle Bells" and a portentious "Little Drummer Boy" round out the set. Hanukkah alert: a semi-spaghetti Western version of "Oh Hanukkah." Kudos to a solid rock 'n roll Christmas effort; they manage to keep up the rock attitude even though some songs don't really lend themselves to the treatment.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on October 1, 2006 11:10 AM.

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