boys from Jersey have had their "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," based on the Cadillacs' arrangement, in my personal Christmas hit parade going back nearly two decades now, so word of a full CD of their version of Christmas for 2007 was greeted warmly around these parts. For the most part, it's exactly what I was expecting. Three originals join nine covers to create a full CD of rockin' Christmas goodness, though "Rudolph" isn't here, nor is their "Blue Christmas" from a 1994 EP. But "Waking Up on Christmas Morning" from that disc is here, likely re-recorded but maintaining that characteristic Smithereens sound. (Jim Babjak also played this tune on his side project Buzzed Meg's Christmas EP.) "Christmas Time All Over the World" does the same, and "Christmas (I Remember)" is a nice 60s-ish look back to that decade, including the year the singer unwrapped copies of
Shut Down Vol. II and
Rubber Soul under the tree. The makers of those two albums are represented among the covers with a faithful take on the Beach Boys' "Merry Christmas Baby" and an extended meditation on the Beatles' "Christmas Time Is Here Again." A bit of jazzy drumming accompanies a reading of "Twas the Night Before Christmas," and the boys take on the Who's "Christmas" from
Tommy. They also take the tempo down a smidge for the Ramones' "Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight)" and take a bluesier approach to Elvis' "Santa Bring My Baby Back to Me," but rock it out for "Run Run Rudolph," "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree" and "Auld Lang Syne." A once and future classic.
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