We had their double-sided single "I Wanna Rock U Hard This Christmas," featuring Parental Advisory and clean versions of the song, and now
they've stretched it into a whole album of rockin' Christmas originals, sung mostly in satirical voices. That's in keeping with their reputation as a comedy show band that features guys singing songs originally written for women to sing. The single is here, unexpurgated version only, and to that we add "Mrs. Claus," in which the singer has decided the jolly elf's wife never gets her due, even throwing a few words from "I Am Woman" into the mix; the triple title song "Ho Ho Ho," an R'nB-flavored ode to an actual lady of the evening who ends up on Santa's payroll; the self-explanatory hoedown "Get Drunk & Make Out This Christmas," followed later by the sappy country takeoff "Christmas Flip Flop," in which a child begs for one flip-flop for his mom who has a wooden leg; "Chrismakwanzakah," in which the various year-end festivals get blurred in the singer's mind; the hip-hop carol "Not on Christmas Eve," in which a jealous singer gets all gangsta until the presents arrive; and the slow jam "Please Don't Bomb Nobody This Christmas," which hopefully will set a few important pairs of ears to burning. There's lots of PG-13 language on this disc, for those of you who worry about such things, but full props for a rock 'n roll Christmas record with a fair number of laughs.
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