There's not that much to do with Pink Floyd on here beyond the title and cover art homages. Apparently, this 1990 album is a compilation of an EP from 1981 by The Space Negroes, a 1985 single by Magic Mose and His Royal Rockers, a Christmas album by The Jethros, and a couple more tracks by
Erik Lindgren. There's very little cohesion among all these disparate tracks from different times and places, although some of the same people are on many different tracks. The Space Negroes kick off the album with back-of-the-hand anti-caroling like "Jingle Hell" and "We Wish You a Lousy Xmas," although they at least get in some social commentary with "Deck the Halls (With Poison Sumac)." Magic Mose bats .500 with his two contributions, the better one the satirical "Have Yourself a Groovy Little Solstice." The band falls flat with "I'm Dreaming of a Noir Xmas," but at least they were shooting for something with this Christmas crime story. Most of the rest of the album is The Jethros with instrumental versions of popular carols, cutting across dozens of genres. "Frosty the Snow Plow" is a kind of industrial-sound version of the song, and there are some hints of Spike Jones, but there are also some bits here and there that are simply undistinguished. Maybe this was supposed to be soundtrack music for a Christmas movie. Lindgren's "Ho Ho Ho" closes the album with 12 minutes of the title. Don't be fooled by the publishing company's name being Foot Foot; there's nothing of
The Shaggs on this CD. Amazingly after all these years, this is still available as a disc or download.
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