White Trash Christmas, Bob Rivers (Atlantic)

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rivtrash.jpgBack again in 2002 with a fresh batch of parodies, Rivers gets topical with "What If Eminem Did Jingle Bells," "Merry Christmas Allah" with a Karen Carpenter takeoff, "Have Yourself an Ozzy Little Christmas" (the earlier parody "I Am Santa Claus" is more fun, though), and "BeClaus I Got High." "Osama Got Run Over By a Reindeer" is a year late, though, since Saddam is this year's evildoer of choice. His satires of classic rock tunes are always worth waiting for, and this time we get "Aquaclaus," based on the old Jethro Tull hit, and the Billy Paul homage "Me and Mrs. Claus." The risque angle is handled happily this year with "The Little Hooters Girl," and the remaining tunes are the title song, "Shoppin' Around for a Christmas Tree" and "I'll Be Stoned For Christmas." As usual, it'll be hard to pick just one cut for our mix tapes and CDs. UPDATE: Rich Lewis points us to a Flash video for the title song; I went back to the horse's mouth to embed it for you.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on September 12, 2008 2:43 PM.

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