November 2009 Archives

Another question comes our way from cbrs34, who asks,
A few years ago I heard a parody version of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" done to the sound of George Thorogood's "One Bourbon One Scotch One Beer" and haven't heard it since. Not able to find it anywhere. Any ideas?
None whatsoever, but I'd love to hear this done myself. Readers, chime in via comments or by e-mailing the site.

Some of you folks are fans of Internet radio, so I'm passing on this bit of news from AccuRadio, which has announced a veritable feast of Christmas-themed channels, including rock, r'nb, Latin and many others. The press release notes holiday-themed Internet radio channels currently available on the AccuHolidays.com website cover genres like rock, pop, country, jazz, classical, r'nb, and Latin, focus on various themes (such as "Old-Fashioned Christmas"), and even play nothing but many different renditions of a single song, like a "Chestnuts Roasting" channel which features hundreds of versions of the classic tune "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)." By early December, the website will offer a total of over 40 different channels, according to site officials.
While we're talking Internet radio, don't forget friend of the site JJRadio.com, the Web-based rock radio station that goes wild with Christmas offerings when the season draws nigh.
Kim Skidmore e-mails the site to ask us:
Do you by any chance know who sang a reggae Christmas song with the following lyrics?
All I want for Christmas is to rub it
To scrub it...not to love it.
All I want for Christmas is to rub it
Rubbing it at Christmas time...
I remember having it on a home made tape which I got as a teenager while living in Belize and have since lost. I'd love to find the song again and have tried Googling it to no avail.
I put the magical Mistletunes spin on a Web search and was able to scare up "Rub-a-Dub Christmas" by Sugar Minott, which is a riff on "Sleigh Ride" but doesn't contain the lyrics above. I also found "Rub-a-Dub Christmas" by Phillip Fraser, or at least two-thirds of it, also a reggae tune that's missing the lyrics we're looking for. I'm throwing the floor open for nominations.

Now that the training wheels are off the all-new, all-singing, all-dancing Mistletunes, it occurs to me that the ability to attach comments to every single piece of business on the site might be a little intimidating to visitors. So I'm going to steal a blog tradition and post this open thread. Click on the link under the headline where it gives the number of comments and put up a few words relating to Christmas rock 'n roll, ideas for this site, or something else pertinent. Really good ideas might just turn into site posts or even site features. Have at it, and be excellent to each other, as Bill 'n Ted might say. UPDATE: I've had a couple of messages from folks who tell me attempts to register via TypePad/TypeKey are failing. I've only done limited testing but I've yet to duplicate any problem. But I went rooting around in site preferences and discovered I could enable logins from OpenID, LiveJournal and Vox in addition to Movable Type and TypePad. I've heard it's possible to set this blog up to enable Facebook logins as well, but I'll have to do some research on that point. Anyway, here's a little something to inspire comment, our pal Lord Weatherby's "Santa Claus Is Freaking Me Out":