I keep hearing folks going nuts over this, and Robert Drake just played it on WXPN-FM in Philly this afternoon, so I figured folks who don't find their way over to the old site might appreciate having it up front here today. There's a part two if you can't get enough from this one, by the way. If I don't post any more for the next couple of days, Merry Christmas from Mistletunes. (I will be back to posting soon though, so keep on coming back.)
December 2009 Archives
I don't know how I managed to not know about these guys, but Bah and the Humbugs are a nearly quarter-century legend in the Philadelphia area. They're going to be playing live on Philly's alt-rock radio station, WXPN-FM, on Christmas Eve; check their page for more details. Looks like they've been making parody holiday songs in the vein of the Capitol Steps for quite a long time, so check them out. (I'm using this post as a sort of string around my finger to go back and do a more considered post on them at a later time.) UPDATE: Amy Guskin of Bah and the Humbugs says I should soft-pedal the parody angle; while they have done one or two such numbers, the emphasis is on original holiday material. Hopefully we'll have that expanded post I promised soon, as they're getting ready to mark their silver anniversary in 2010.

Not just another band from L.A., The Skandles work the music-comedy beat at DailyComedy.com and also on their own MySpace page. So what's up with this? Think Chipmunks go gangsta and you got it nailed. Lyrics available on MySpace as well. Expurgated and unexpurgated versions are out there, depending on who's on your mix disc list. But why make you wait? Check it out for yourself, NSFW:

No one's seen fit to make this terrific parody song available for use by the fraternity of Christmas disc mixers (everyone who has took it from a video cap of the show on which it originally ran, complete with audience laughter), but we can at least enjoy it this way.

Yeah, I mentioned Jill earlier this month, but I just found this video of her version of Robert Earl Keen's funny Christmas song. A lot of folks insist Keen's version is better, but I prefer Jill's because it's, well, less country, not to mention that it benefits from Jill's winsome style of delivery as well. No offense to Keen; I like his version fine. He got a parody children's book out of the song, while Jill got this video, which she apparently didn't know was still out there, according to her blog. This video, by the way, is almost a forerunner of the "literal video" craze, to my eyes anyway.
Thanks to Howard Cogswell for bringing this to my attention. Sir Paul took his stadium tour to Cologne, Germany this week, and avid audience video bugs caught him in the act of reviving his 1979 holiday single. No doubt audiences in Dublin and London next week will be similarly regaled. No vouching for the quality, of course, but this seems to be the best of three versions of this on YouTube. UPDATE: Send an official Beatles e-card this year featuring a snippet from the 1966 fan club flexi-disc. Hat tip to Beatles Examiner.

We like our novelties here at Mistletunes, and I thought it was kismet that I acquired one singing saw holiday tune just as my e-mail brought news of a singing saw video. Go over to Stereogum.com and check out/download Julian Koster's "Let It Snow," a rather well produced pop take on the popular tune. Apparently, Julian has an entire disc, The Singing Saw at Christmastime, on Merge Records, but this tune isn't on it. Meanwhile, here's Natalia "The Saw Lady" Paruz, an actual classical harpist who also plays the saw, going unplugged to busk "Silent Night" in the New York City subway system. I note for the record that saw soloists tend to play covers; where are all the original composers for saw? Or socket sets, for that matter?

We highlighted these guys' cover of "Christmas Time (Sure Don't Feel Like)" not long ago, and it turns out they have an original holiday song of their own to feature for 2009. It's a nice mid-tempo pop number with slide guitar, and you can check it out right here:

You've no doubt heard of the cash-in sequel. This 1996 single is probably the most naked cash-grab going; they basically took the original song and superimposed girl singers doing short lines from classic Christmas carols in between the verses. I haven't been this jealous since I missed out on a chance to direct an episode of "Cops." Just in case you weren't one of the first six million or so people to buy the original "Macarena," the Bayside Boys Mix version is also on this single. Or you can just watch this, though I take no responsibility should anyone click on this and later pluck their eyes out:

A delightful Hanukkah Alert we have here from 2005, a punk rocker for those who would be glad "if Rudolph were a Maccabee." It's a download from this Seattle-based pop-rock singer-songwriter and parodist's website. If you like the song, pick up one of her mugs with the song title on it. Or you can just watch/listen to it here:

This link to Vimeo.com had just this in the subject line: "Mistletunes potential." You bet. It's yet another epic Mojochronic mashup, this time of Motown hits overlaid with Christmas carols, but only those by Motown artists. The video is more than seven minutes, so strap yourself in if you click on this.
Had this up on the old site, but what the heck, let's see it again. The Philco Brothers are seen here covering this great tune originally by The Dogmatics, from the semi-legendary alt-indie-rock Christmas compilation Yuletunes.
This NY band's website hasn't been updated in a couple of years, but Kenn Rowell wrote in from England and told me I should have this on my site, and he's right. Don't know if this can actually be acquired at this point, but as long as YouTube has the video, we can all listen to, and watch, this cool 2004 song about a rock 'n roll landmark.

Patrick Duff asks us about something he heard somewhere:
I've heard a Christmas song called "Christmas in the Workhouse" where a line in the middle of the song is "someone shouted balls!" I've found various poems online, but no actual songs. Do you know of any audio recordings for this song?
Don't remember ever hearing this either as a song or a poem. I did unearth a copy of what Patrick's talking about, however. The lyrics are correct, and it would make a heck of a song, perhaps as a Celtic stomp, maybe as a flat-out punk shouter. This website presents it without attribution; other sites say it was Rudyard Kipling, still others say it's never turned up with Kipling's name attached. It did appear in a TV movie, "The Gathering," in which an incomplete version was recited by Ed Asner. If anybody knows about this poem being set to music, let the rest of us know in comments or in an e-mail to the site.