Merry Axemas, various artists (Epic)

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axemas.jpgThe cult of the electric guitar hero has never really gone away since the days when Hendrix and Cream ruled the concert halls. But how often, aside from items like Jimi's once-bootlegged "Little Drummer Boy," do you get to hear a bonafide guitar gunslinger shred a Christmas carol or two? Not very, unless you have Gary Hoey's albums. Well, that same notion was gnawing at Steve Vai, former stunt guitarist for Frank Zappa, who organized this six-string romp through the Christmas catalog with 10 other certified axe-kickers. Steve himself takes on Vince Guaraldi's "Christmas Time is Here," Aerosmith's Joe Perry puts on his pinky slider for "Blue Christmas," Brian Setzer solos instead of singing his Orchestra's "Jingle Bells", Jeff Beck joins a growing list of people who are convinced "Amazing Grace" is a Christmas song, Joe Satriani gives us a "Silent Night/Holy Night Jam," and Richie Sambora contributes his second Christmas performance this season with "Cantique De Noel (O Holy Night)." Considering these guys are rock guitar virtuosos soloing their butts off on strictly instrumental performances, there manages to be a fair amount of variation among the cuts. Also on hand are Alex Lifeson, Eric Johnson, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Steve Morse and Japanese guitar sensation Hotei. This 1997 album has given birth to a sequel. Merry Axemas II, in 1998, again with Steve Vai at the helm and featuring Steve Stevens, Ted Nugent, Robin Trower, Steve Lukather, Zakk Wylde, John Sykes, Stu Hamm, Neal Schon, Trevor Rabin and Al Di Meola. Both remain in print and are even downloadable at Amazon.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on February 17, 2010 3:01 PM.

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