A plea for a song identification

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Linda Boden wants to know what song this is. I'm stumped myself, so drop a line to the blog or just answer in comments.

I'm trying to figure out the artist who performs a particular Christmas song. I heard this song last year on the muzak at my part-time gig, Kmart, and they're playing it again this year. It sounds an awful lot like the band Cutting Crew, as the vocals are similar and it's that genre of music. I have Googled the discernable lyrics every possible way, and I come up with bupkis. Might you know this song? It's a male singer, slightly effeminate/breathy delivery. Begins with acoustic guitar, and the first two lines are:
"Holly, ho ho ho.
I'm bathing in the glow."
Remainder of the chorus is still a mystery to me, as it's a bit mumbly and it's hard to tell an entire big-box retail store to shush so I can listen. UPDATE: Answer's in comments. Thanks, Ken!
"So it's Christmaaaaas/
So it's Christmaaaaaaas,
Happy Holiday.
Why can't I feeeeeeel....
I realize this is probably not much to go on, but it's driving me nuts. I stumbled on your site in my searching, and thought it would not hurt to ask.

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That's from a band called Dillon Fence, and the song is simply called "Christmas".

Ken (from SOCMusic)

Yay! That's exactly it! Thanks, guys. - Linda

Please help me identify a Christmas song: It is a male voice in the genre of "Oh Holly Night" but with a male/female twist. He wants this to be a night to remember as he sings "Oh, What A Night." It has a great saxaphone in the middle of the song. It has a shuffle beat and is a great dance tune. Help! It was played several times over a Miami station this weekend - but never identified.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on November 30, 2010 8:35 PM.

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Christmas Special, The Boy Least Likely To (+1) is the next entry in this blog.

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