Anybody recognize this song?

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Ronnie stopped by and placed this question in comments. I figured it might not be noticed there, so I promoted it to its own post. You can respond in the comments to this post or by the e-mail link at the right. Not sure if the reference to "Oh What a Night" is the Four Seasons tune or not -- my trip into Google didn't turn up anything that looked like it was.

Please help me identify a Christmas song: It is a male voice in the genre of "Oh Holy Night" but with a male/female twist. He wants this to be a night to remember as he sings "Oh, What A Night." It has a great saxophone in the middle of the song. It has a shuffle beat and is a great dance tune. Help! It was played several times over a Miami station this weekend -- but never identified. UPDATE: Howard Cogswell thinks you're actually talking about the very famous tune of that title by the Dells -- which is why nobody here came up with anything sooner, because it's not a Christmas song. (I just played "Oh What a Night" before I wrote this, and Ronnie has described it to a T.)

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Rudolph, thanks for the reply. However, The Four Seasons song isn't the one I am looking for. The song in question is more of a blues tune, with a "Shuffle" beat, not a "Pop," or early '60's style. And, yes, it's driving me crazy!! Thanks, Ronnie

Sounds like it could possibly be Aaron Neville's Such a Night, from his Soulful Christmas CD.


Good Morning Stuart: Thank you for the comment regarding Aaron Neville's "Such A Night," however, that's not the song that's driving me crazy. Aaron's is a good song, but the one I am looking for talks about "...Oh What A Night." I think in this song the guy finally gets the girl! It's going to be a night that they both certainly will remember. It has a great saxophone in the middle of the bridge. It is about 112 bpm and has a "blues" feel to it. But, thanks for your input. I really appreciate the effort. Ronnie

I believe the country band, Alabama, did a Christmas song called "Oh What A Night" featuring Jeff Cooke on lead vocals. It sounds much as you've described.

Sorry, I just checked my catalogue adnd the correct title was "The Night Before Christmas". I was on Alabama's "Christmas II" album.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on November 14, 2011 9:21 PM.

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