Summersteps is a northeastern Pennsylvania indie label, and this 2010 collection of alt-rock-pop holiday music is something I stumbled over on the way to something else. It's a free download from Bandcamp, so it won't cost you anything to check it out for yourself. Kicking off the proceedings is Eww Yaboo with a Sir Paul cover, "Wonderful Christmastime," and other notable cuts are Marshmallow Staircase's narration of "Twas the Night Before Christmas," Brother JT's funky "Booty For Christmas," Straws' sort-of Jesus and Mary Chain influenced "2000 Miles," Kid Icarus' ode to 12/26, "On Boxing Day," Cold Coffee's 70s-influenced "Magic Holiday," the reimagining of the "Suffragette City" riff on Das Black Milk's "Everybody Loves a Holiday," and Langor's poppy "Yantsor, the Candy Cane Maker," a fictional holiday personage who appears to be making his debut here. Also of note is Jeeze Louise's ukelele rendition of "Last Christmas," the Dirt Vultures indicate "Christmas Could Be a Bummer" with a long noisy drone to that effect, and My Dad Is a Dinosaur does the "Baby Jesus Blues," for which you should really brace yourself for the first few lines of lyrics about Satan doing a "Saw" on Santa Claus. An interesting indie collection.
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