Anthologies is a not-for-profit artistic collective in Leeds, UK, supporting the creation of music and films. For the past two years they have received support from local musicians who came together to record Christmas songs for compilations that can be downloaded in exchange for a donation to the parent group. This is the 2012 collection, created with the help of Hide & Seek Records, and though the holiday season is past, the album remains featured on their home page. It's an eclectic bunch of songs in an alt-rock vein, kicked off by Backyards' sprightly folk-rock rendition of "In the Bleak Midwinter," followed closely by Blue Roses' close cover of Joni Mitchell's "River" and Dan Beesley & the S.S.S.S.S.'s blues-rock cover of "Mistletoe & Roses," originally a hit for Cliff Richard. Ellen and the Escapades do an Americana take on "Little St. Nick," Honour Before Glory & Sam Airey put a pensive spin on Sir Paul's "Wonderful Christmastime," and Witch Hunt do a very slow take of "Little Drummer Boy" that includes "Peace on Earth," a combination that's growing in popularity recently. Get Machine, Destroy! does a house take on "Zat You, Santa Claus," Hope & Social render "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" in an antique choral arrangement, and Dancing Years rearrange "Silent Night" into something from a Sufjan Stevens album. The Birthday Kiss render "Sentimental Christmas" in a pop-rock ballad style, Stalking Horse's "Morning Christmas" is slow and portentious, and Swimming Lessons may not be "All Alone On Christmas," but you will certainly feel this way after listening to this droning chant. These Men want to know "How Come You're Only Nice To Me On Christmas," Post War Glamour Girls perform "The Second Stave," a bell-driven chant, Grant K Fennell breaks out the ukelele for "Little White Boat," and Fossil Collective presents a ballad, "The Power of Love." This is an interesting collection that supports a good cause. Available only from the organization's website.
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