New Release Tuesday is a website that promotes Christian artists, and they've curated either a short album or a long EP of eight Christmas tunes for 2014. Genre-wise, this is mostly modern pop-rock, kicking off with Aaron Shust's bombastic "Rejoice," continuing with Jason Gray's Killers-influenced "Christmas Is Coming," Cloverton's slow-building rock adaptation of "Joy to the World" called "We Sing Joy" and Scott Riggan's hand-clapping version of "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." Joshua Mills takes a pop-jazzy approach to "It Snowed," John Schlitt rocks up "Little Drummer Boy," Jean Watson taps Tori Amos for her version of "Pat a Pan," and Jen Haugland's "A Still and Quiet Night" is a still and quiet ballad. This is up on NoiseTrade if you don't choose to have an account on NRT's website.
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