These guys are members of a St. Louis band called The Oncomings, and they've broken away from the mothership for this rock 'n roll look at the holiday circa 2014. This collection is in the best traditions of indie rock, with songs that have a nicely skewed look at the holiday season. Whether it's dragging a drunken girlfriend through the snow on "Long Walk Home," asking for divine intervention with your ride on the r'nb flavored "Jesus Keep My Honda Runnin'," extolling the snow-covered sights of your neighborhood on "Everyday Is Christmas," channeling Wild Man Fischer on "Oh My My," going full-out funk on "Sleigh Ride to the East Side," setting jangly guitar music to Robert Frost on "Snowy Evening," getting all cry-in-your-beer on the ballad "Snowdome," or just flat-out parodizing on "My Least Favorite Things," this album is a fun ride through the holiday season. There's an ode to Santa's evil companion, "Krampus," that kind of sounds like Flight of the Conchords, a defeatist drinking song called "Chase Another Crown" and a silly interlude called "Phil Collins Helpline" to round things out. This is a gotta-have collection if rocking the holidays is your thing, and if you're here it probably is.
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