November 2017 Archives

Some Latin music for 2017, courtesy of this fine roots/retro group. The original song takes a lighthearted look at Santa vis-à-vis the immigration controversy, observing that Santa has no green card or work permit, yet everybody loves him. Good fun, and guaranteed to give an aneurism to your Fox News Uncle™. Grab it from Amazon or iTunes, or just check it out here.
This just dropped on Spotify, and apparently they have a playlist with some exclusive songs, like Sam Smith on "River" and Demi Lovato doing "I'll Be Home For Christmas." Not the most tuneful vocal, but if you need something hip-hop for under the tree, this is 1:37 of throwing down. Apparently there's a YouTube video of him doing it a cappella from a few years ago, but this is a full studio version. If you're not on Spotify, check it here.

Last year Matt graced us with Winter Lives, an entry in the not-Christmas Christmas music sweepstakes, and for 2017 this EP follows up with a remix of the catchy "Whoa" from the original album and four additional tunes. "In Winter" opens with a guitar figure similar to that in Greg Lake's "I Believe in Father Christmas" and continues in a folky way extolling love in the cold weather. "Curtains and Eyelids" and "Skiers in the Street" are pensive acoustic instrumental ballads with a little background synth padding adding spice, and "Moon Rose" is an impressionistic ballad that could be for any time of the year. It's a fine collection of music, though not essential for the holiday, but if you're already listening to the original album then these additional cuts will be welcome.

Can't say I'm familiar with Bloom or Bozeman, but here they are with an R'nB holiday EP for 2017. (Bozeman has a role on the music industry soap opera "Empire," as I discovered while writing this.) After a couple false starts with the brief "Chopin Nocture Interlude" and the mostly spoken "Sugar Plum Ghetto," they launch into a slow jam called "Mistletune Hanging," which is pretty much what you'd expect from the title. "Funky Christmas" picks up the tempo just a bit, narrating holiday preparations and running down some holiday verities. The song their label is pushing is their version of "Baby It's Cold Outside," which throws a few R'nB touches over what is otherwise a familiar way to perform the song. Things wrap up with another slow jam, "Ghetto Christmas," telling the story of a tragic holiday. Well produced and performed, but I'm not hearing a breakout tune from this collection other than "Baby."

Some years ago we all giggled at the unlikeliness of Bob Dylan cutting a Christmas album, though musical history, his Theme Time Radio Hour, and his current direction remaking Sinatra classics demonstrate that was a wrong-headed response. Now if you want unlikely, how about the host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe" embarking on a music career? And given his welcoming attitude toward the current president's candidacy throughout 2015 and early 2016, that he would not only end up lashing that candidate daily as president, but that he'd extend his brand into a 2017 Christmas EP poking fun at the guy? Actually, of the three songs, only "The Drumpf," a not-quite but may-as-well-be clone of "The Grinch," is the only one that explicitly hammers the guy, although "Christmastime," a nicely upbeat pop-rocker, makes a few mentions of this being a crappy year that feed into the theme. The remaining song, "This Christmas It's You & Me," is a midtempo bid for the singer and his love to jettison the big family gathering and celebrate with each other. I'll leave it to you as to whether you find this playlist-worthy, but if you use "The Drumpf," don't say I didn't warn you when the family's Fox News Uncle™ launches into a tirade.

Another one-man band named Jim Bacon, who used to be a staff songwriter for record publishers once upon a time and now plies the indie side of the street. This new Christmas tune for 2017 is a light reggae lilt that mourns the past but urges us to cherish our memories and live in the present. Warm and friendly. Get it from Amazon.

This group appears to be a one-man production house in England doing commercial and soundtrack work, and this appears to have first come out in 2016. Not surprisingly, it's pretty commercial, a love song set in the holiday with a verse dedicated to "It's a Wonderful Life" references, which you'll discern from the lyric video below. One note: the independent audio of this is a different mix from what you hear in the video. Grab it from iTunes or Amazon or listen on Spotify.
Another rock giant leaves us behind. Farewell to Malcolm Young, who passed yesterday at the too-young age of 64.

The "Superman" band, or should I say principal member John Ondrasik, did a Christmas song for the second year in a row. He teamed with pianist Jim Brickman for this 2017 holiday single dedicated to The Troops. It's nice enough, if a bit obvious; I usually put my hand over my wallet when I encounter excessively extravagant praise for "our vets," especially if there's a fund-raising component involved. Nevertheless, there aren't many Christmas songs of this variety, so you might as well have this one. Grab it from Amazon. UPDATE: Collaborator's name was incorrect, it was corrected. Jeez, what a mistake that was....

We had this artist a couple years ago with "The Angel Gabriel," and this time around he gives us this slow funk groove with lyrics inspired by a sermon by the Rev. A.W. Nix, one of those early 20th century preachers who put their sermons on vinyl records, the podcasts of their day. Very cool and distressingly short, I could listen to this for a good while longer. Grab it from Bandcamp. Oh, and a little history lesson is attached below.

Tracy's an indie-pop singer-songwriter with one album to her credit, and judging from her gig schedule I'm guessing she's based in the Philadelphia suburbs. This 2017 offering is a fine mid-tempo single available from CD Baby with a simple premise: a holiday love song. Definitely worthy of a "Grey's Anatomy" background slot.
We're still getting ready to post individual reviews of such things as Cheap Trick, Gwen Stefani, Holiday Rules 2, the new Rock By the Sea compilation, a Bloodshot Records comp, Sia, and a handful of singles. In the meantime, here's a few short takes.
- Sleeping At Last has been gradually building an album's worth of Christmas tunes over the years, and for 2017 what had already been issued as an album becomes a vinyl artifact, two discs' worth in fact. With the additional sonic real estate comes two additional songs, covers of "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" and "The First Noel."
- Real Gone Music has a two-CD reissue of the Supremes' only Christmas album for 2017, The Ultimate Merry Christmas. There are 50 tracks featuring three different versions of the album, the original mono and stereo mixes and a 2017 remix, along with all the previously released bonus cuts and a few newly unearthed gems.
- Rhino has re-re-reissued REO Speedwagon's Not So Silent Night for 2017 with the addition of "We Three Kings" and a new remix of the previously available "I Believe in Santa Claus." Completists, hit the download button.
Sorry I'm starting so late this year. Hope to have real posts up within the week.