Spotify playlists for the Mistletunes mix, y'all

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Because I'm an old fart, it didn't occur to me until I'd seen dozens of posts at music websites that had Spotify playlists embedded in them that, hey, I could do that too. And that the most likely benefit to the readership is that I could post playlists based upon the annual Mistletunes mix discs, which you may have noticed lurking in the left column of the web page. So I've gone in and done them for the mixes I did from 2012 to the most recent one. I may get around to doing this with the earlier ones at some point, but I figured seven was a lucky number to start with. You'll notice that not every song in the liner notes page found its way to the playlist, and that's because not everybody is on Spotify -- particularly not the mash-ups done by the DJs on the Santastic compilations, since those exist in a gray area of copyright law to begin with. As for the rest, this is a way of sharing with readers and putting a few pennies in the artists' streaming jar. If you're on Spotify, feel free to share the playlists with friends, taste-tippers, even Fox News Uncles if you have them.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on January 29, 2019 3:01 PM.

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