Sorry we're such a mess over here

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Hi readers! Really sorry we haven't gotten this blog off the launching pad for 2019 yet. Until about an hour ago, your humble host hasn't been able to access the software running this site because big chunks of the content management system got deprecated due to age and my attempts to post new articles were greeted with short but confusing error messages. After lengthy seances stretching over several days with Mr. Google as my swami, I was finally able to kick-start the blog into a semblance of functionality, and that's why you are able to read this digital mea culpa. As a side effect of my having to pretend I knew what I was doing throughout this ordeal, the various design elements (colors, fonts, the site's longtime graphic banner) went AWOL, but the past 20-some years of content remain accessible and readable. Since there was a strong possibility my tinkering around under the hood could have killed the blog outright and left nothing but a smoking ruin where the URL is, I'm going to have to accept this result as the best possible outcome.

I have actually composed some new posts for stuff that's out this year, and starting tomorrow you'll be able to read them. I'd start sooner, but, well, I feel like I've spent a week picking orders in an Amazon warehouse (subtle plug for you to start your Amazon shopping sprees by clicking here), so I'm going to pour myself an adult beverage before I climb into bed. Tomorrow's coming soon enough.

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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on November 16, 2019 10:22 PM.

Spotify playlists for the Mistletunes mix, y'all was the previous entry in this blog.

"Xmas Song," LoverBoard (In-Line) is the next entry in this blog.

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