I never heard of these guys until now. Press materials state these guys are originally from Ohio but now live in the Alps, and their second album, released for 2019, is all Christmas rock 'n roll all the time. This is the kind of stuff that inspired the creation of this website; driving rock 'n roll music with snarky lyrics ("CVS is out of mistletoe") that nevertheless celebrate the holiday. Looks like most of these songs are original, even "Santa Baby," although they cover Darlene Love's "All Alone on Christmas" with guest vocalist Lucy Spazzy (really!). They bust out of the gates with the instrumental "Ghost of Christmas Past," which borrows liberally from "Wipe Out," and bookend that with "Ghost of Christmas Present," with touches of "Is That You Santa Claus," and then "Ghost of Christmas Future," which borrows from the first one and adds a bit of "Sleigh Ride." There's also the uptempo "Christmas in Hawaii," the mid-tempo "Lonely," in which the singer is left with his John Cougar records, the solid boogie "Holiday Without You," the exuberant "Number One on My List," title song "It's Christmas Somewhere," the answer song "I'm Not Coming Home For Christmas," in which the singer dubs "Jingle All the Way" as the greatest Christmas movie, Rotten Tomatoes be damned, and "Mistletoe" wraps up with a gentle rendition of the Bo Diddley beat backing a plea to meet under the iconic plant. This is definitely a Mistletunes pick for this season.
It's Christmas Somewhere, Jagger Holly (Monster Zero)
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TrackBack URL: http://www.mistletunes.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/2088
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