Short takes

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  • Pomplamoose created a collection called Winter Songs, but we missed the window by which you had to click through and join their Patreon list to get it. Apparently it was a CD, as they mentioned mailing it to people.
  • Christian rockers Emery have an EP called Cocoa and Christmas, but you can only get it by joining their affinity program.
  • Sam Phillips had an EP called Cold Dark Nights a decade ago; this year she remixed and remodeled the songs and added four songs to turn it into an album available only through her website, with $1 from the sale benefitting the Surfrider Foundation, an environmental charity.
  • Sleeping At Last, which has maintained a fearsome pace of creating new Christmas songs every year, has recorded "Christmastime Is Here" and "Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep" for 2019.
  • Nicholas Burgess did Xmas Gold in 2018, and this year he's got an EP, Nuggets of Xmas Gold, with three of the songs from that collection that were recorded during rehearsals for a live performance. They're very different sounding, so check 'em out on Bandcamp.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on December 16, 2019 8:30 PM.

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