We had Volume 2 last year and this Nashville music collective is back for 2019 with a third volume sampling the region's indie rockers performing mostly new original songs. Kicking off with a solid rocker "New Xmas" by Carver Commodore, the collection also features Glamper with their early Cure-sounding ode to the "Elf on the Shelf," Jibber Jabber's uptempo "Tis the Season to be Glum," and Jingle Bell Hotel's grungy mid-tempo treatment of "Silent Night." Rock Eupora offers the mid-tempo "All I Want For Christmas is Boo," Voltagehawk chimes in with an indie take on the similarly titled Mariah Carey classic, Lawndry breaks out the synths for the semi-chill sounding "Merry Merry," Little Ghost gets folky with their electric instruments on the ballad "Mother Warned You," and Pet Envy goes poppy with their rock on "Christmas Forever." Skyler House puts a doomy rock backing to "Retail Christmas," Spoken Nerd goes all dramatic on the story of "Krampus (The Dark Side of St. Nicholas)," the Underhill Family Orchestra misses a special someone on "Christmas Day," the New 100's, Tiblinski, and Peyton Rodeffer combine to celebrate "Christmas Eve at Applebee's," and Lucky Halfspeed goes all "Weekend at Bernie's" on "I Think We Killed Santa" (spoiler alert: they didn't). This is a fine grouping of indie rock performances with very little in the way of country/Americana influences considering it's from Nashville. Grab it from Amazon; you can find it at Bandcamp as well.
Sons of Old Town Xmas Extravaganza Volume 3, various artists (self-issued)
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