Ah, one of those rabbit hole research situations presents itself. I started out believing I'd unearthed a new Christmas compilation, only to discover it's from 2016. Looking further, I discovered that "Band in Seattle" is a local TV series featuring Seattle-area bands that's been on for seven seasons. This 2016 collection is the soundtrack from a single Christmas-themed episode of the show. And it's pretty darn good, offering modern takes on classic tunes like Jupe Jupe's "I Saw Three Ships," Blake Lewis' mildly hip-hop influenced "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen," Star Anna and Whitney Lyman offering traditional versions of "Silent Night" and "O Holy Night," respectively, Jake Hemming & the Bereaved going hard rock on "O Come O Come Emmanuel," and Good Company going all big-band blues on "Good King Wenceslas." The rest of the tunes are originals, starting with Bread & Butter's rock take on "All I Want For Christmas Is For You to Stop Being a Psycho," Whitney Monge's ballad "Around Christmas Time," Charlie and the Rays' jump blues "Long Nights (Yule Log)," The Crying Shame's boogie version of "Don't Touch the Christmas Tree," Sundae + Mr. Goessi's old-fashioned jazz ballad "Dear Santa Won't You Bring Me a Ring," SweetKiss Momma's 70s hard rock "Santa's Got Bad Intentions," Vaudeville Etiquette's country-inflected "Spice the Eggnog," Jessica Lynne Witty & the Cousins' similarly styled "Yuletide in My Doublewide," The Bend's grungy "Wassail, Wassail," Furniture Girls' pop-rocker "Yule Tied," The Malady of Sevendials' gothy "I Remember That December," The Staxx Brothers' "Slow Jam For Christmas," which isn't really in the slow jam style, and Champagne Honeybee's 50s-flavored lament "Kimchee For Christmas." Click the cover to get it from Amazon. There were Christmas episodes of the show in 2017 and 2018 per IMDB, but I was unable to rustle up compilations from those years, so feel free to comment here if you know something I don't. UPDATE: Stubby writes in to note that the "Band in Seattle" show went all in on the 2016 release with not only CD but DVD releases, and they wildly overestimated demand for the physical artifacts. As a result, there were only a few new songs on the 2017 show and the 2018 show simply drew from the two previous years. He notes a couple of the bands, one of which was The Staxx Brothers, issued separate 12-inch singles of their songs. Nevertheless, the 2016 album remains available to download.
A Band In Seattle Christmas, various artists (Victory Studios)
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