Winterlicious, Debbie Gibson (Stargirl)

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winterlicious.jpgGiven that we once reviewed a song on an obscure local indie-rock compilation called "Merry Christmas, Debbie Gibson," I guess it's only fair that we acknowledge her first-ever holiday album, released in 2022. Given that she spends as much time in musical theatre as in the recording studio, you should expect that this is exuberant modern pop, almost show-tune-y in performance. The single from this album is "Christmas Star," an original of hers that actually dropped last year, and it's the best thing here, uptempo and fun. Should also note her other originals, a New Year's tune called "Cheers," plus "The Gift," "Jingle Those Bells," and Hanukkah-themed "Illuminate," along with an original that's not hers, "I Wish Everyday Was Christmas," and a co-write with duet partner Joey McIntyre of NKOTB, "Heartbreak Holiday," which is a solid downtempo ballad. The rest are covers, including "The Candyman," which is not a holiday tune, "Sleigh Ride," "Let It Snow," "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen," a duet with Daddy Joe on "White Christmas," and a medley of "Jingle Bell Rock" with "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts)." My take is that Debbie's singing is solid but she emotes way too much, making the whole album tough to take in a single setting. But most of you are grazing for playlist possibilities, so by all means grab "Christmas Star" and "Heartbreak Holiday," and I'll leave the rest for those who want it.

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on December 19, 2022 3:27 PM.

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