"Boxing Day Sales," Richard Dawson (Domino)

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richarddawson.jpgThis Northern Englander is known for doing music that cuts across everything from folk to psychedelic rock. For 2024, he picked up his guitar and banged out this tune, which he describes as a "throwaway," in the same sense that Christmas/Boxing Day gifts tend to be trivial items you play with and then throw in a drawer. I admit to having a bit of a struggle with his accent, but I can say the sentiments here are sincere and will last a long time. Amazon shows this with a flip side called "Polytunnel," which is actually the lead single from an upcoming album and is not holiday-oriented. Streaming and downloads, natch. (I guess I should add this isn't the US game-show host who's been dead for a decade.)

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This page contains a single entry by Rudolph published on December 2, 2024 11:11 AM.

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