We've previously noted that with the growth of YouTube and social media, there's been a simultaneous collapse in the number of released Christmas novelty records even as the internet appears to be swarmed with entries in the field. "Tonight Show" host Jimmy Fallon has personified this, with his numerous previous attempts at Christmas novelties, in league with celebrities old and new. For 2024, he's gathered up most of his past entries in the field and added some new recordings for an album that's available on vinyl (including peppermint splatter) as well as the usual downloads and streaming. No doubt the celebrity involvement influenced the major label's interest in releasing this. So "It Was a... (Masked Christmas)" with Ariana Grande, "Wrap Me Up" with Meghan Trainor, and "Almost Too Early For Christmas" with Dolly Parton are all here. Add to that a close harmony "Holiday" with the Jonas Brothers, a new take on Rudolph with the Roots called "Hey Rudy," Justin Timberlake's duet "You'll Be There," a Weird Al "New Year's Eve Polka," "One Glove" with Will Ferrell, "Merry Happy Christmas" with Chelsea Handler, and "Hallmark Movie" with Cara Delevingne. Add to that some Jimmy solo songs like "Christmas Ding Dong," "How You Know It's Christmastime," "Chipmunks & Chestnuts," "Coquito," "Weird Cousin," and "Thanksgiving Eve," the latter of which trots out his Bob Dylan impression. All told, this is pretty listenable from end to end, especially if you're into celebrity star turns, although there's an awful lot of auto-tune employed on Jimmy's voice. Nevertheless, there will certainly be playlist candidates for every taste.
Holiday Seasoning, Jimmy Fallon (Republic)
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