This 2024 release is a compilation of new original songs by an array of groups that identify as progressive rock, a genre that peaked commercially in the 1970s but has always retained a cadre of loyal fans, some who trace their favorites' history back to psychedelia and others who simply got on the train when they discovered their favorite artists identified as progressive. This collection includes the previously reviewed "I Ruined Christmas" by Refrestramus, along with a solid pop-rock ballad by giGO called "Christmas Tears." That one's also available as a single. Other performers include A Multitude of One, whose "A Christmas Surprise" is a by-the-book prog-rock instrumental; Orchestre Celeste, whose "Cornubia" is an extended instrumental journey through prog, synth-rock and even jazz; Maurizio Vercon's "In the Hands of God" is an old-school hard rock guitar-shredding ballad; Juan R. Leon's "Re-gifting Ye Old Fruitcake" is a lengthy keyboard-heavy melody and his "Jesus Wept" has a classical/flamenco influence that appears to include both guitar and treble-heavy bass; The Round Robins' "Web Cosmic Visions" has a kind of late-period King Crimson feel to it; Stanislav and the Lion's "Yuki-Onna" is a brief monologue over a Japanese-influenced melody; Robeone's "Robeone Christmas" is a rock improvisation over "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"; and Quicksilver Night has two entries, one with vocalist Nina Flory called "Dragon's Eye View," a bombastic Florence and the Machine-styled song, and, with Dark Beauty, "Whispers in the Snow," a fairly sweet 70s hard rock midtempo ballad. Must note that the preponderance of instrumentals means that a lot of this won't "feel" like Christmas to some, but that's for the listener to decide. Appears to be only on Bandcamp.
Spirit of December EiGht, various artists (Melodic Revolution)
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