Results matching “buckcherry”

"Tell 'Em It's Christmas," Buckcherry (Sand Hill)

buckcherry2.jpgThis hard rock band from the 90s has been on the Christmas bandwagon before, and they're back for 2023 with this solid old-school hard rocker that'll remind you of the pre-disco 70s. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am, and they rhyme "Christmas" with "wish list." Download or stream this at your leisure.

"Christmas Is Here," Buckcherry (Eleven Seven)

buckcherry.jpgThese hard-rockers give us a 70s-influenced bluesy rocker for the holidays in 2010. Hey, doesn't that mullet need a little freshening before the relatives get here? Just kidding, blues-rock never really went away, it just doesn't get much arena action these days.

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