There's been a slow-rolling trend toward glamorizing Hanukkah over the past couple of decades, mostly as a way of setting it up as the Jewish equivalent of Christmas. My Jewish friends have reminded me on numerous occasions that Hanukkah is actually a minor holiday on their religious calendar. This may explain why collections such as this 2019 compilation are comparatively rare. Some familiar names are on board, some less familiar, but it's an eclectic grouping. I was initially bumfuzzled by opening track "Oh Hanukkah" by Jack Black, as his solo vocal initially felt a bit Tenacious D-like performance-wise. Once the backing vocalists kicked in, I was a lot more comfortable with it. He comes back at the end of the collection with "Chad Gadya (Passover Bonus)" in a similar performance. It's left to Adam Green to inject a little humor with his original story song "Dreidels of Fire." Yo La Tengo, the band that's known for holding Hanukkah residencies with lots of special guests, offers a new original called "Eight Candles" in a sort of French chanson whisper-song arrangement, HAIM covers Leonard Cohen with "If It Be Your Will," and Flaming Lips offer up a typical-for-them original, "Sing It Now, Sing It Somehow." Alex Frankel brings us the synth-pop "Hanukkah in '96," Buzzy Lee continue in that vein with "Give You Everything," Tommy Guerrero performs the original ballad "Dedication," Watkins Family Hour goes bluegrass on "Hanukkah Dance," Craig Wedren sings his original "Sanctuary," and Loudon Wainwright III brings his typical levity to "Eight Nights a Week." All told, it's a kind of public radio-friendly approach to Hanukkah, and you don't have to be Jewish to enjoy this.
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