Hanukkah alerts

Chevonne does "My Menorah" on her EP, Unwrap Me.
Melee does "(When Is) Hanukkah This Year" on the compilation Gift-Wrapped from Warner Bros.
The Goldbergs offer "Chanukah Guy" on their EP Jingle Jangle Pop.
Neil Diamond covers Adam Sandler's "The Chanukkah Song" on A Cherry Cherry Christmas. (Really!)
Casey Shea gives us "My Holiday Song," in which two people banter playfully over the Jewish vs. the Christian holidays.
Erran Baron Cohen produced the pop/funk album Songs in the Key of Hanukkah in 2008.
Jingle Punx do "Chanuka" on their 2006 CD, It's What I Got In My Sack.
The Barenaked Ladies do a triple-header with "Hanukkah Blessings," "Hanukkah, Oh Hanukkah" and "I Have a Little Dreidel" on Barenaked For the Holidays.
Hal and Georganna Barry Singer give us a holiday novelty, "The Night Hanukkah Harry Beat Up Santa Claus."
Moe does a semi-spaghetti Western version of "Oh Hanukkah" on their CD Season's Greetings From moe.
Atlanta rockers Another Man Down rock out with "The Dreidel Song," available on some regional compilations like Holiday Band Aid.
Huffamoose does "Hanukkah and Christmas Hand in Hand" on It's About Christmas, various artists (It's About Music)
The South Park album, Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics, features "Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel" with Stan, Cartman and the Broflofski family, a hilarious ensemble singing piece, and Kyle's classic "The Lonely Jew On Christmas."
Black Tape for a Blue Girl's "Chanukkah, Oh Chanukkah" is on Excelsis: A Dark Noel, various artists (Projekt)
Sofia Run performs "Nerotai Hazarurim (Little Candles)" on Excelsis Vol. 2: A Winter's Song, various artists (Projekt)
Save Ferris cover the Waitresses' "Christmas Wrapping" with a Hanukkah twist on Santa's Swingin' Sack, a KROQ-FM compilation.
>The Goblins offer "Ha-Ha Hanukkah" on The My Pal God Holiday Record, various artists (My Pal God Records)
Shudder To Think performs "Al Hanisim" on O Come All Ye Faithful: Rock For Choice, various artists (Columbia)
Hetch Hetchy performs "Candles and Miracles" on The Mother of All Flagpole Christmas Albums, various artists (OrtTone)
Calamity Jane does an instrumental of "The Hanukkah Song" on It's Finally Christmas, various artists (Tim Kerr Records)
"Hanukkah Oh Hanukkah" appears on It's Christmas, Man! by Brave Combo (Rounder) in a hora version, according to the liner notes.
"She's a Yamakah Mama (At Hanukkah Time)" by the Ubangis appears on It's a Rockin' Christmas, various artists (Run Wild)
Dr. Demento: Holidays In Dementia, various artists (Rhino), offers two tunes, "Hanukkah Rocks" by Gefilte Joe and the Fish and "Hanukkah Homeboy" by Doc Mo She.
Adam Sandler's "The Chanukah Song" is on his album What the Hell Ever Happened to Me. Then he does "Part 2" on Stan and Judy's Kid. Finally, he does "Part 3" on the soundtrack to "Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights."
Santa's Got a GTO, a various artists compilation (Dionysus), features two songs: "Til Next Hanukkah" by Velouria and "Santa Doesn't Come to Little Jewish Children's Houses" by the Yid Kids.
Another version of "The Hanukkah Song" was performed by a Chicago band, the New Duncan Imperials, which is the B-side of their "Santa Claus Is A Lie" 45. It can be ordered from their label, Pravda Records.
The Therapy Sisters perform "Abraham's Lament" on their album Codependent Christmas.
Banned on Earth do a version of "The Dreidel Song" on their Big Blue Christmas Balls CD.
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Another version of "The Hanukkah Song" was performed by a Chicago band, the New Duncan Imperials, which is the B-side of their "Santa Claus Is A Lie" 45. It can be ordered from their label, Pravda Records.