This 1953 record was arguably
the Catwoman's greatest hit, and it's a tough one to cover; Madonna's version on
A Very Special Christmas is basically an homage, and not many female singers muster the moxie to equal the original. If it's possible for a human being to purr a three-minute record, Eartha did it. The gold-digging sentiments in the song may sound dated, but it wouldn't take much imagination to make them current -- in fact, a number of hip-hop revisitations revel in the opportunity to substitute 21st century bling for Eartha's wishes. Of course, a lot of folks today wouldn't mind having that '54 blue convertible she asks for, especially in showroom condition. Not satisfied with her haul for '53, she recorded a sequel, "This Year's Santa Baby," in which the convertible's a clunker and she wants a private plane, and the yacht's leaking so "hold your breath... I want the Queen Elizabeth." Bob Bailey tips us that Eartha also recorded "Nuttin' For Christmas" and she alters the lyrics to "I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas/Cause I didn't want to be bad." He adds, "Guess the approach in 'Santa Baby' didn't work." Ironically, she passed on Christmas Day 2008.